
Jigsaw Puzzle Challenge

MediLodge Puzzle Challenge

MediLodge of GTC is excited to be a part of the February Jigsaw Puzzle Challenge!

Alongside MediLodge of Leelanau and MediLodge of Traverse City, we are inviting all residents, families, staff, and community members to join us!

Step One: Complete any size puzzle
Step Two: Post a picture of the completed puzzle to your Facebook or Instagram account, and tag #MediLodgeofGTCPuzzleChallenge with the number of pieces in your puzzle

At the end of February, we will be counting up the grand total of pieces created for each center, and announce which MediLodge location wins!

The MediLodge of Leelanau Resident Council will be providing the grand prize.. so be sure to stay tuned!

For more updates and information about our center, follow us on Facebook and Instagram @MediLodgeofGTC

Have more questions? Call us at (231) 947-0506 or visit our website.

—2/11/19 Update—

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